I was accepted to Taos Toolbox Workshop

I get to participate in the 2017 Taos Toolbox Workshop!

One (thousand) exclamation(s) does not cover my utter surprise and excitement at getting the news.

And then, doubt.

Spending-guilt. Do I deserve to go? We can afford the expense, but still it’s a lot of money and there’s no expected (monetary) return-on-investment.

Mom-guilt. Both of my teenagers are going through awful life challenges right now. What if there’s another crisis while I’m gone? On an intellectual level, I know my husband can handle it. But still…

Imposter Syndrome. I have learned the identities of several other workshop students, and they are amazing authors with long lists of published works, or have been to audition workshops like Clarion, Odyssey, and Viable Paradise before. But, in the last year I’ve gotten much better at not letting myself be intimidated by (for example) a room full of Clarion West graduates. Also I’ve never met another writer who didn’t experience imposter syndrome to some extent.

Going to Taos Toolbox Workshop is, for me, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I know I will make the most of it. I know Nancy Kress is a fabulous teacher, and I’ve heard wonderful things about Walter Jon Williams. I look forward to meeting guest lecturers George R. R. Martin, E.M. Tippets, and Steven Gould.

I’ll fill my brain and notebook to overflowing with as many tools as I can.

I have issues, Deadpool

Daughter A’s thrift-store find.

3 responses to “I was accepted to Taos Toolbox Workshop

  1. You deserve to be there!

    There’s a workshop I go to for game design that has felt similar to me (how did I get invited? How am I around these people?), and when I come back I’m so happy and motivated it comes off me in waves and helps make everyone around me happy and motivated. To the point where I am encouraged to go to the workshop the next year. “I think it’s time you go to that workshop again” :D

    Self-care + once in a lifetime opportunity. I can’t wait to hear about how it goes.

  2. Oh my God! That’s so exciting! I totally understand all the accompanying ‘issues’ that go along with it. I had a lot of the same when I went to CW (minus the mom-guilt, of course). Take a breath, sit with all the conflicting emotions, and realize that this is an amazing opportunity that YOU, Miriah Freaking Heatherington, have been offered. You’re going to rock this.

  3. Congratulations, sounds like a fantastic course and opportunity, I know you’ll make the most of it! :)

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